
Monday, August 25, 2014

Analysis Paralysis - the victory of AFC

Today I went to the river to have fun with my bro Rocketman. We were there and this HBMilf was eyeballing me. A few minutes later, she was at it again. Hours later she still was waiting for me to make my move because I'm an interesting guy and could show her a great time. I didn't approach.

I had analysis paralysis because I thought about approaching instead of just doing it. Major AFC behavior and something I still can't quite handle! To make matters worse, I even had the perfect opener on the top of my head in like half a second! I didn't even need canned material because I know she would hook almost instantly.
The cold approach has always been my worse feature because I never used the 3 second rule. Now? Now I just can't beat myself up enough for acting like such a loser! Thanks NLP for teaching me that this mistake was the best way for me to acknowledge my sticking point and working around it.

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